re: TOMMY buzz?
Last Edit: oddone 09:51 pm EDT 03/11/24
Posted by: oddone 09:40 pm EDT 03/11/24
In reply to: re: TOMMY buzz? - Chromolume 12:09 pm EDT 03/11/24

The thing is, they actually don’t help people. Or at least that isn’t a given. Many studies have shown that trigger warnings actually can make things worse for those who (think they) need them.

Warnings about flashing lights are one thing, since my understanding is that for those with certain types of epilepsy, flashing lights can cause a reaction. (And the comparison to second-hand smoke is just trolling.) But for ‘content warnings’ of the kind we’re talking about here, the reality isn’t so cut and dry.

Previous: re: TOMMY buzz? - Chromolume 12:09 pm EDT 03/11/24
Next: re: TOMMY buzz? - Chromolume 09:50 pm EDT 03/11/24

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