re: Why do Playbills list creator, cast, and crew bios?
Posted by: ryhog 11:08 am EDT 03/12/24
In reply to: Why do Playbills list creator, cast, and crew bios? - Zelgo 12:11 pm EDT 03/11/24

For cast and stage managers, it is required by the production agreement. For creatives etc, it is probably in their agreements, but I don't recall offhand. As stated, not for crew. It is not the show that is trying to prove anything; it is principally for the benefit of those being biographed, and I think it is fair to say that audiences and others are quite interested in this info as well. "Where do I remember this person from?", etc.

Previous: re: Why do Playbills list creator, cast, and crew bios? - Broadwaywannabe 09:45 am EDT 03/13/24
Next: re: Why do Playbills list creator, cast, and crew bios? - AlanScott 09:09 pm EDT 03/11/24

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