re: Why do Playbills list creator, cast, and crew bios?
Posted by: AlanScott 09:09 pm EDT 03/11/24
In reply to: Why do Playbills list creator, cast, and crew bios? - Zelgo 12:11 pm EDT 03/11/24

Crew bios are a fairly recent development.

Not sure when bios started, but I think by the 1930s. I'd have to do a bit more searching around than I feel like doing right now.

But at first fairly few people got bios. In the 1960s, more people generally started getting bios. I'm not sure when it became common to have bios for every member of the cast of a big musical, but it wasn't before the 1980s.

Previous: re: Why do Playbills list creator, cast, and crew bios? - ryhog 11:08 am EDT 03/12/24
Next: re: Why do Playbills list creator, cast, and crew bios? - Thom915 08:50 pm EDT 03/11/24

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