re: re:dynamic pricing and cost of seats
Last Edit: AlanScott 09:01 pm EDT 03/15/24
Posted by: AlanScott 08:59 pm EDT 03/15/24
In reply to: re: re:dynamic pricing and cost of seats - ryhog 07:09 pm EDT 03/15/24

Regarding this balcony question, when some of us were growing up, what is now invariably called rear mezzanine or even sometimes just mezzanine, with the upper half not differentiated in any way in terms of name from the bottom half, was often called balcony. The farther back you go in time, the more common this was. So theatres like the Broadhurst, the Majestic and the Golden all had balconies. So perhaps that is the cause of the disconnect here.

I think it's reasonable to find dynamic pricing frustrating. Should I buy these tickets now or wait till later? I think something that is frequently but not always true is that the closer in time it gets to the performance, the more likely you are to get a good deal, even if it's just a relatively good deal. Of course, for shows that are genuinely selling out eight performances a week in advance, this is less likely to happen, but even there it may sometimes happen when house seats get released. Of course, if you don't live near enough to New York to make last-minute plans to attend, this is not a help (unless you decide to take your chances once you get here)

Previous: re: re:dynamic pricing and cost of seats - ryhog 10:36 am EDT 03/18/24
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