Posted by: JereNYC ( 03:49 pm EST 02/07/24
In reply to: re: ONCE UPON A MATTRESS Last Night - BroadwayTonyJ 03:00 pm EST 02/07/24

Sure, written with Walker in mind, but did Walker ever actually play it? Was she involved in the development in any way other than in the creators' minds? (I'm legitimately asking...I have no idea.)

I cannot imagine that, once Burnett was cast, that the creators didn't take into account her special talents and tailor the role to make the most of what she could do.

We seem to agree to that the role is a very difficult one to cast and I think my original point that it has never succeeded in a major production without Burnett stands. Even the three TV versions likely would not have happened without Burnett's involvement.

Previous: re: ONCE UPON A MATTRESS Last Night - BroadwayTonyJ 03:00 pm EST 02/07/24
Next: the success of the show as presented was also largely due, it would see, to Carol... - Chazwaza 07:55 pm EST 02/07/24

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