re: Joel Grey pre-CABARET
Last Edit: PlayWiz 06:20 pm EST 02/27/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 06:18 pm EST 02/27/24
In reply to: Joel Grey pre-CABARET - BroadwayTonyJ 04:01 pm EST 02/27/24

Jill Haworth, Jack Gilford, Bert Convy and Lotte Lenya were below the title on the album cover, but clearly listed as "Starring", after which the "with" line had Joel Grey, Peg Murray, Edward Winter".

Previous: Joel Grey pre-CABARET - BroadwayTonyJ 04:01 pm EST 02/27/24
Next: re: Joel Grey pre-CABARET - BroadwayTonyJ 08:51 pm EST 02/27/24

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