re: Al Jolson
Posted by: AlanScott 02:30 pm EDT 03/18/24
In reply to: Al Jolson - BroadwayTonyJ 10:17 am EDT 03/18/24

Hi, BroadwayTonyJ. Yes on Rodgers and Williams. Not that I doubted it, I did mention them a ways up as likely, but I was able to find confirmation. I've done more searching using the ProQuest database of periodicals on Jolson, this time replacing lights with marquees, which helped with Rodgers and Williams, and I still can't find anything about Jolson.

Can you provide me with the link for the Bill Edwards piece. I tried searching for it, but couldn't find it. One thing I found while searching for it was a Times column in which it said that Lawrence was the first. A Post column saying the same thing, with a source, was linked in the Times column. I think what it says in the Post column about it being a last-minute decision to dim all the theatres' lights for Lawrence rather than just the St. James's lights is wrong as I found a report, which I mentioned above, from before the dimming of the lights stating that not only the lights of Broadway theatres would be dimmed, but also the lights of movie theatres.
Link History of dimming lights on Broadway

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