Last Edit: singleticket 12:19 pm EST 02/04/24
Posted by: singleticket 12:14 pm EST 02/04/24
In reply to: ONCE UPON A MATTRESS Last Night - sergius 07:26 am EST 02/04/24

I agree with you. I still think it's an amiable show. The problem with the book for me is that it has jokes but not much of a comic structure. It really depends on a Carol Burnett or a Sutton Foster to lift the whole thing up and carry it.

Somewhat related: the show was developed at the Tamiment summer camp which was started as a Socialist summer retreat. By the 1960's when the musical was first developed there as a one act that political background was probably something of a memory. The Tamiment name still survives at NYU's left and labor archive which also has the records of the Tamiment Playhouse.
Link Tamiment Playhouse Records

Previous: JHG had scheduled absences the last 3 performances.... - mdcoz 12:24 pm EST 02/04/24
Next: the thing is- Carol is a natural comedian, whereas Sutton is a natural musical comedy star - Chazwaza 10:42 pm EST 02/06/24

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